Tuesday 5 April 2016

Exercising & Health and A secret that no one knows

Exercising reduces the risk of diabetes (diabetes), hypertension, certain
cancers and prolong life. Insufficient movement is the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, even more so than smoking and obesity.

Exercising improves posture, strengthens the spine, contributes to the health of the bones, muscles and joints, reducing the risk of arthritis and enables older people to be able remain independent for a longer period. Furthermore, exercising also helps one to recover from childbirth or disease, reduces premenstrual symptoms, and keep you body weight under control as well.

By regularly exercising, your body functions better as well. It is not only particularly beneficial to cardiovascular system but also the immune system: those who get enough exercise is less susceptible to disease such as colds and flu. Motion also provides a better condition on. Furthermore, it also helps to reduce your reliance on cigarettes and help you sleep better at night.

But the benefits of exercise go beyond just physical health: even the mental condition improves. Exercising reduces stress and makes it easier for you to deal with setbacks and unexpected situations. Exercising also makes you have a nice feeling: after twenty to thirty minutes of exercising, your brain is churning morphine-like substances called endorphins that makes you happy. Exercising also help to increase self-confidence through having a stronger, more muscular and often leaner body.

Of course too much exercising is not necessary good. Too long an exercise will make one exceptionally tired and increases the chance of injury. Kinesiology professor, Peter Hollander, of Free University says: "Joints are particularly vulnerable. Therefore, it is not wise to run seven days a week." Gradually, building and listening to your body should be the right way of approaching this.

How much is enough?
The amount required varies according to age.
Youth (5 to 18) need the most movement:
For this group, it is recommended that there is at least an hour of moderately intense exercise every day, and at least an hour of fitness maintaining exercises twice a week. Some examples of moderately intensive exercise are trekking, biking, running and swimming.

Rowing, gymnastics, fitness, athletics, gymnastics and all sports and games on the other hand are fitness maintaining exercises.

For adults (18 to 55 years):
At least half an hour of moderate intensity exercise per day for at least five, but preferably all the days in the week.

For people over 55 is the standard the same as in the 18-55 age group.

To become fitter, your heart rate must be 65 to 80 percent of its
achievable maximum power. In other words: you have to sweat a lot, and you must exercise a minimum of three times per week for twenty minutes or more. However, that is for those who want to be fitter, if you aim for just improving the health, it is definitely not necessary.

Summary: Four reasons to exercise
1. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
By exercising, your muscles would require more oxygen. Hence The heart have to pump harder in order to supply more oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. Regular exercising thus makes your heart stronger, allowing it to beat harder, and thus leading to a slower heartbeat. Furthermore, the blood pressure also decreases as a result.

2. Your resistance increases
The lymphatic system is made ​​up of a series of interconnected vessels containing lymph fluid. This fluid contains the white cells that fight infection, and harmful micro-organisms. Lymph Fluid’s circulation is dependent on exercising. Exercising ensures that the lymph fluid in the tissues circulate properly.

3. Your mood improves
People who are regularly active, feel better. This is due to the production of endorphins (hormones) as mentioned above.

4. You stay young longer
After thirty years or so, your body slowly degrades, as there is less intensive need of the body. However, muscles that are used intensively continues to stay active and maintain their size. Similarly, Bones that are taxed continues to remain strong. Hence exercising helps to ensure that your body parts continue to remain strong through frequent usage and it even keeps your brain active as it supplies more oxygen to your brain during exercising.

SECRET: Want to learn more?
Beside exercising, what can you do to be healthy, to be rid of all the diseases? If you want to know you definitely have to check out this. Many of my clients have tried this detox solution and it works like charm.

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